Over 1/3 of Pirate Bay users come from China

Andre Yoskowitz
11 Feb 2009 16:09

The infamous public torrent tracker The Pirate Bay has released some statistics this week that gives more insight into the location of its users.
One of the most surprising stats (full chart available after the story) is that over one-third of the Pirate Bay's traffic comes from China, where the government has banned the site. Japan and Spain generated the next highest traffic followed by the US.
Making China's numbers even more shocking is that China only accounts for one-sixth of the world's internet users. Japan, on the other hand, makes up 6.7 percent of Pirate Bay traffic while accounting for 6.2 percent of total Internet users.
In November, the site announced that they had smashed a new milestone, 25 million unique peers. It has been estimated that the site tracks over 50 percent of all BitTorrent users that are on at any point.
Full chart here:

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