U.S. online video viewers watch for average of three hours a month

James Delahunty
13 Apr 2009 17:17

According to data provided by Nielsen Online, viewers of Internet videos in the United States now watch an average of three hours of the material each month. Online video viewing hasn't ceased expanding, with the average time spent viewing the videos in U.S. being 169 minutes in February, then rising to 191 minutes in March, an increase of 13 percent.
The total number of video streams being viewed grew by 9 percent to 9.7 billion, from 8.9 billion, and the total number of videos per user rose 7 percent to 74, from 70.
The sharper rise in the minutes spent viewing video than the number of videos being viewed tells Nielsen that more users are switching to longer videos, with the average growing from 2.4 minutes in February to 2.7 minutes in March.
There's almost no need to say it - but YouTube remained the number 1 video site with 5.5 billion videos and over 89 million people using the site in the United States. Hulu came in second with 384 million videos and 9 million users.

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