Hulu App coming to iPhone?

James Delahunty
17 Apr 2009 20:15

Silicon Alley Insider cites a "plugged-in industry executive" in reporting that the popular web video site Hulu is developing an application for Apple's iPhone. It wouldn't be the first of it's kind, as, i.TV and Joost are all on the market as it is, but because it's Hulu, the rumor is getting considerable attention.
Hulu providing an iPhone application is obviously a good idea - that is if AT&T doesn't object to it and force Apple's hand to ban it from the iPhone store. Such a service would obviously be heavy on traffic if not only used when Wi-Fi is available for it. The data problems also would create demand for an ability to save and watch videos later.
Hulu has gotten a very good following online since it was launched, taunting YouTube with its catalog of premium content, and being mimicked by many others as a good model to copy from. The question is with just around 3% of mobile phone users watching any video at all with their phones, will Hulu be able to set some precedents here too?

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