'BD Touch' headed to smartphones

Andre Yoskowitz
19 Apr 2009 13:24

Beginning next week, BluFocus and NetBlender will launch a mobile phone app for smartphones that will allow Blu-ray Disc owners to transfer extra features from the disc directly to their phones.
The app, dubbed BD Touch 2.0, will be shown off next week at the NAB conference, added CEO Paulette E. Pantoja.
BD Touch 2.0 will be free in the App Store and other application stores and will work on Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch, the Palm Pre, Google's Android platform and BlackBerry phones.
With the app installed, users can "transfer downloadable content and interactive features from their Blu-ray Disc to their phone. The phones also can be used as a remote control for a compatible Blu-ray player."
Pantoja adds that BD Touch capability will be a very easy for Blu-ray developers to add to discs in the future. “It’s just one line of code they have to put in,” Pantoja notes. “We made it extremely, extremely simple.”

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