'Three strikes' law is back in France

Andre Yoskowitz
10 Jul 2009 2:24

After the original bill was shot down for being unconstitutional, the French Senate has today adopted a new version of the controversial 'three strikes law' that will kick alleged pirates off the Internet after two primary warnings.
The revised bill will now head off to the National Assembly where it will either be denied or put into action.
The original text was deemed unconstitutional by the Constitutional Council because of the fact that the bill allowed a new state agency to kick users off the Internet for a year if they were suspected of sharing unauthorized movies and music multiple times. At the same time, a "third strike" could also bring a jail sentence or a fine of up to $415,000 USD.
Any account holder who is found to have allowed other family members or friends to download pirated material using their connection risks a $2090 USD fine and a one month ban from the Internet.
The Council noted in its decision that "free access to public communication services on line" was a human right and the bill imposed on that right.

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