Steam, Direct2Drive start indie game promotion

Andre Yoskowitz
8 Aug 2009 23:06

The two popular digital distribution services Steam and Direct2Drive have begun a indie game promotion this weekend, each slashing prices drastically.
Steam is offering, via their "Weekend Deal," ten top sellers, Audiosurf, Blueberry Garden, Braid, Crayon Physics Deluxe, Darwinia, Everyday Shooter, Gish, Mr. Robot, The Path and World of Goo bundled for $30 USD. Most sell independently for $10 each.
Direct2Drive, from their end, is offering a "Best of Indie" bundle which includes the popular games Zeno Clash, Defense Grid: The Awakening, Democracy 2, The Path and Cogs for $17.75 USD.
You can check the full listings here:
Steam Indie Sale
Direct2Drive Indie sale

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