Pirate Party registered in UK

James Delahunty
12 Aug 2009 20:12

The UK's first Pirate Party has officially registered as a political party, meaning it can now raise funds and push its candidates in the next general election. The Party hopes to emulate the same popularity as the Swedish Pirate Party has gotten, largely due to the attention surrounding the Pirate Bay.
"Getting to this stage has been a long process, we've had to elect officers, raise funds, fill out forms, meet with some (very helpful) people at the Electoral Commission, and learn far more about electoral law and the special party funding rules that apply to Gibraltar than any same person would ever want to," a site announcement reads.
"Now the party can really start. It's time for us to tell the world that we exist, to recruit members, raise funds and gear up to fight the General Election. The officers and web team have built the framework that the party needs to get going, now it's time for YOU to make things happen.
"Join the party, tell the media about the party,tell your friends about the party, take part in policy and news debates on the forum, join our Facebook group, donate or set up a regular payment to provide financial support, set up a branch in your constituency, school or workplace, join the specialist workings groups for members with key skills like lawyers and journalists and volunteer to take part in canvassing and campaigning in your constituency at the general election..."

More information for UK users: http://www.pirateparty.org.uk

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