Grand Theft Auto headed to iPhone

James Delahunty
1 Sep 2009 1:11

Rockstar Games revealed on Monday that it plans to release the Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars and Beaterator titles for the Apple iPhone.
GTA: CTW was released for the Nintendo DS platform earlier this year and has been announced for the Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP), set to be released in October. It will reportedly be available for iPhone sometime this fall.
It follows the story of lead character Huang Lee in a battle with Triad gangs in fictional Liberty City, following the murder of his father.
Beaterator is a title developed by Rockstar and producer Timbaland. Developed for the PlayStation Portable platform, the game is set to be released at the end of the month, with the iPhone port coming this fall. No details on pricing were revealed.

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