Symantec warns about public release of Skype-recording Trojan code

James Delahunty
1 Sep 2009 1:37

Computer security firm Symantec has issued a warning following the public release of concept code for a Trojan that can record Skype conversations and transfer them to an attacker. Trojan.Peskyspy records the conversations as MP3 and can then deliver the MP3 recordings to a specific server over the Internet.
Symantec is not looking to cause panic about the publicly released source code since security products could be now updated to detect it. Instead, Symantec deems it likely that malware authors will include it in their malware packages, many of which are built solely for stealing information on infected machines.
The release of the code was not for malicious reasons either, but rather to highlight a big problem with mass-communication using software like Skype, which now evidently can only be as secure as the computer it is installed on.

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