Motorola to release ten Android phones within the next year?

Andre Yoskowitz
23 Sep 2009 3:07

According to a new report from Global Equities Research analyst Trip Chowdhry, Motorola is planning to release over 10 Android-based mobile phones in the next year, a very short time frame given that the company only released their first Android phone this month.
Citing industry sources, Chowdry adds that the phones will sell for $40 to $400 USD, aimed at different demographics.
Motorola currently has only a 5.5 percent market share, a strong decline from the 17 percent it held in 2004, at the height of the Razr V3 fad, and analysts mostly agree that Android phones are Motorola's last chance to steal back market share still dominated worldwide by Nokia, Samsung and more recently, Apple.

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