Guinness Book of Records lists largest HD screen

James Delahunty
1 Oct 2009 1:28

The Guinness Book of Records files some of the most interesting and utterly useless records for our entertainment, constantly looking for more weird entries to fill the books each year. A new entry into the Guinness book of records is the awesome High-definition (HD) video screen(s) present above the Dallas Cowboys' football stadium in the United states.
Manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric, the giant four-sided screen has a surface area of about 1058 sq m (11,400 sq ft). "This is probably the most exciting project we've ever been involved with," said Mark Foster of Mitsubishi Electric.
Mitsubishi said the video board is the equivalent size of 3,268 52-inch television sets, packs more than 10 million light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and with all four panels account for, weighs around 600 tonnes.
(Pic source: BBC)

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