PS3 to get Netflix streaming through BD-Live

Rich Fiscus
26 Oct 2009 4:29

Last week Reed Hastings announced that Netflix had a new consumer electronics partner who would be providing a client for their Watch Instantly streaming video service. Today they made a joint announcement with Sony saying the PS3 will be getting the Netflix service.
What's more interesting is the way Sony will be adding this feature to their game consoles initially. They will use Blu-ray's BD-Live capabilities and require a special Blu-ray disc available for free to any Netflix member.
You can register to be notified when the discs are available by going to the Netflix website. PS3 Netflix support should become available some time next month.
This is arguably the most ambitious use of BD-Live to date. BD-Live is a feature of Profile 2.0 Blu-ray players. It allows additional content to be provided via a player's built in networking and a broadband internet connection.
In this case BD-Live will be used to provide all the content instead of just extras.

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