5 million Project Natal units available at launch?

Andre Yoskowitz
11 Nov 2009 14:10

According to a new MCV post, Microsoft is planning a November 2010 launch for its controller-free Project Natal, and will have 5 million units available at launch, alongside 14 games.
The details, say the site, come from a closed tour Microsoft has been having with UK publishers and studios showing off the technology in an effort to increase development.
The device will be available by itself for under £50 ($80 USD) with some publishers saying they expect it to retail for £30, as a way to bring in "impulse buyers." Natal will also be bundled with consoles and games.
So far, Activision, Bethesda, Capcom, Disney, EA, Konami, MTV, Namco Bandai, Sega, Square Enix, THQ and Ubisoft have all committed to creating games for the new technology.

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