Sony gives away more free games to PSPgo owners

Andre Yoskowitz
1 Dec 2009 12:40

Sony Computer Entertainment Euroep has announced it will be offering another free game to PSPgo handheld owners, the second time they have done so.
Any PSPgo owner with a PlayStation Network account can sign in and choose between Gran Turismo, Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines or MotorStorm: Arctic Edge. German users can choose LittleBigPlanet instead of AC: B.
Early adopters were given Gran Turismo for free when the console launched in October, and the new offer is valid until January 10th.
The move comes amidst the news of giant retailer HMV slashing the price by GBP 75 to GBP 149.99 in the UK. The handheld started with an MSRP of GBP 224.99 but after one week HMV had already slashed the price to GBP 200 due to lack of demand.

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