Microsoft patents avatars that will resemble their users

Andre Yoskowitz
24 Dec 2009 15:04

Microsoft has applied for a a patent dubbed "Avatars Individualized by Physical Characteristics," meaning the company is considering introducing avatars that will look the gamer behind the controller.
Says the application, via Eurogamer: "An Avatar generator for a virtual environment reflects a physiological characteristic of the user, injecting a degree of reality into the capabilities or appearance. Thereby, many of the incentives of the real world are replicated in a virtual environment.Physiological data that reflect a degree of health of the real person can be linked to rewards of capabilities of a gaming Avatar, an amount of time budgeted to play, or a visible indication. Thereby, people are encouraged to exercise. Physiological data that reflect the health and perhaps also mood also improve social interaction in virtual environments. People seeking to meet and become acquainted with particular types of people are not thwarted by the artificiality of Avatars."
The data can accessed from third-party health repositories, a physiological sensor, or a health care smart-card.

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