AfterDawn Norway launched

Petteri Pyyny
20 Jan 2010 7:05

The number of flags we have in the top-right corner of our site grew by one today with the launch of AfterDawn Norway, a new localized version of The Norwegian site will focus on software downloads and discussion forums for now, but it will eventually expand to news, guides and other content, hopefully within a year or so.
The Norwegian version of AfterDawn is the fourth language version of AfterDawn -- our site was originally published in English and Finnish back in 1999, followed by the Swedish version launched in 2008. The Norwegian version is also using the new site structure and layout (something we call "v4") - the look and feel that the English version of the site will eventually use, once we get all the bits and pieces together.
The entire site has been translated by one guy and one guy alone -- impressive feat, I might add -- slaybay. He is the guy you should thank for making this locale a reality -- and if you find any bugs within the site, I'm the one you should blame :-). Thank you, slaybay!
The Norwegian site is still in its infancy: there are couple of pages here and there that haven't been entirely translated yet and you can be certain that there are occasional bugs and hiccups on various pages/sections. If you find anything weird that needs to be fixed, please let let us know (use the feedback form). Furthermore, if you happen to speak fluent Norwegian and would like to help us to translate more content, the contact us or subscribe directly to our translation project mailinglist and let us know that you're available.
AfterDawn på norsk

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