If you want porn, get an Android phone, says Steve Jobs

Andre Yoskowitz
20 Apr 2010 14:17

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been responding to customer emails a lot lately, but his latest email has made the headlines, probably because it involves pornography.
When asked by customer Matthew Browning about Apple's role in being gatekeepers, Jobs responded: "We do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone. Folks who want porn can buy an Android phone."
This is the second time in the last month that Jobs has made a public connection between rival operating system Android and porn. At a Q&A after the unveiling of OS 4.0, Jobs had said: "You know, there’s a porn store for Android. You can download nothing but porn. You can download porn, your kids can download porn. That’s a place we don’t want to go – so we’re not going to go there."
Apple and Google are just in the beginning stages of what should end up being the biggest rivalry in the smartphone market, and it seems for now Apple is trying to make some subtle slights at Android.
Here is the email back-and-forth, through TechCrunch:

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