Instructions for installing Android on older iPhones released

Andre Yoskowitz
25 Apr 2010 19:18

Last week, iPhone Dev Team member "planetbeing" released a video today showing off a huge accomplishment, the Android OS running on a first-gen iPhone.
The hack has been in development for months, and is still in alpha stages. So far the phone only works on the 2G model, with 3G happening likely in the near future. The 3GS, is a whole different ball game, however.
After being hacked, the iPhone can run both Android and the iPhone OS, in a "Bootcamp"-esque way, allowing for the boot of multiple OS on one Apple device.
Today, Androidalot has released instructions and a video on how to run the hack yourself, if you have a iPhone 2G just laying around.
The instructions are here: HOW TO: Install Android On An iPhone 2G
The video is here:

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