New Rock Band to include keyboards

Andre Yoskowitz
25 May 2010 16:37

Harmonix has released the demo for the upcoming Rock Band sequel, Green Day: Rock Band and included is a teaser image that seems to imply that the upcoming game will have keyboard support, an all-new instrument for the popular music game series.
Users can download the two-track demo from the XBL Marketplace and play the songs "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and "Welcome to Paradise."
The image shows off the four standard icons, (mic, guitar, bass, drums) with the keyboard fifth.
The original game of the series sold over 5 million tracks, and led to a revolution in DLC (downloadable content), selling over 40 million tracks.
Rock Band 2 continued strong sales for the franchise, although reviews were not as great.
Pic via JoyStiq:

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