AfterDawn's 11th birthday

Petteri Pyyny
10 Jun 2010 11:48

Here writing my annual AfterDawn birthday post - and I'm feeling old. Can't believe it was eleven years ago we launched this site/obsession/hobby of ours, Wow. Anyway, today is our site's 11th birthday -- in an online world, that equals to something like 75,000 years in "real world" time. You know, 11 years ago, the dominant search engine was still Alta Vista and "social media" meant something like "going to a movie theater with your friends" :-) Times change..
Anyway, another year has passed and lots of things have changed. First and foremost, we finally launched a new version of our site back in March. The new design is accompanied with a completely new, language-independent backend. That has helped us with our localization projects and during the past 6 months, we have launched Spanish, Norwegian and Dutch beta versions of our site.
Despite the fact that AfterDawn has been around since the last millennium, our intention is to continue to improve our site's content and technology. We expect to launch several new language versions of our site during the next year or so, and also plan to go our site's sections through, one by one, trying to find ways on how to improve each section's usability.
Keeping traditions alive, I'd like to thank my fellow admins, our excellent staff, our moderators -- and you, our users, who have helped us to make this site something unique, something great, and something that I am personnally proud of. Thank you.
-Petteri Pyyny

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