EA CEO hints at premium pricing for 3D games

James Delahunty
19 Jun 2010 21:04

In the first hint of premium pricing for 3D versions of video games, Electronic Arts chief executive John Riccitiello talked about opportunities for additional growth at an executive briefing at E3. "3D may well be one of the next and most important drivers for growth. That's yet to be seen and I don't think it's a 2010 story in any way, shape or form... in a meaningful way," Riccitiello said.
"As we move through 2011, 2012, it's likely to be an opportunity both for additional growth and perhaps premium pricing for titles that better support 3D." Sony showed off 3D content at its E3 press conference this year, handing out 3D glasses to attendees, while Nintendo unveiled the 3DS handheld console.
Microsoft's Neil Thompson recently dismissed 3D, branding it too expensive for mass market adoption for the time being. He was referring to living room 3D gaming (so, PS3) which requires a 3D-capable television and suitable glasses for viewing the content.
Riccitiello's comments will probably not be well received by gamers who are thinking of upgrading their gear to enjoy new 3D titles on the PlayStation 3.

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