T-Mobile ranks highest in customer support

Andre Yoskowitz
30 Jul 2010 0:16

T-Mobile has retained its top billing for best customer service among cell carriers today, receiving the highest marks possible.
JD Power and Associates gave the 2010 Wireless Customer Care Performance Study award to the carrier, after it received 777 points from the company and five-stars from subscribers.
Close behind was AT&T which got 757 points from the company, but just three-stars from its subscribers.
Verizon and Sprint's scores were not available, but the companies only got three and two stars, respectively.
The points work as follows: If a customer is so loyal he refuses to switch carriers, he will be given 827 points. Someone who is actively thinking of changing carriers or is thinking of doing so, normally gets 602 points.
T-Mobile scored very high in the phone support category.

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