No, Steve Jobs is not a ninja

Andre Yoskowitz
15 Sep 2010 15:25

SPA! magazine, a Japanese tabloid, recently wrote a report on Apple CEO Steve Jobs claiming that Jobs would never return to Japan after airport officials would not allow him on his private plane with a luggage bag full of "ninja" throwing stars.
Going through a standard security scan at the Kansai International Airport in Japan, security detected a number of throwing stars in Job's carry-on luggage.
When the stars were taken away, Jobs angrily told officials he would never return to Japan, and that it didn't make sense that Jobs would try to hijack his own plane, especially with throwing stars.
Apple has made sure to dismiss the story today, saying: "Steve did visit Japan this summer for a vacation in Kyoto, but the incidents described at the airport are pure fiction. Steve had a great time and hopes to visit Japan again soon."
A spokesperson at the Kansai airport did confirm that a passenger in a private plane was stopped in late July for carrying throwing stars and other knives but the passenger was not identified.

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