Skype finally creating mobile apps to compete with Fring, FaceTime

Andre Yoskowitz
26 Dec 2010 0:15

Skype will allegedly bring video calling apps to smartphones like the iPhone at the upcoming CES event, bringing some real competition to Apple's FaceTime and other apps like Tanga and Fring.
The company will have a "series of video-related announcements" and will also be part of the "Video Calling Gets Ready for Primetime" panel at the conference.
So far, it seems that the iPhone will be the first to get the app, with Android and Symbian likely to get the video support in the near future, as well.
Skype video chat is currently supported, in a limited capacity on the Nokia N900, but you can only chat with other N900 owners.
FaceTime was launched with the iPhone 4 this summer, offering Apple users a chance to video conference with other Apple users, on Macs, iPod Touch 4s and iPhone 4s, over Wi-Fi.
We will keep you updated.

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