Intel says its 'Light Peak' is ready

James Delahunty
11 Jan 2011 23:21

Intel is now considering it's Light Peak interconnect technology, made to connect PCs to devices like displays and external storage, is ready for implementation.
Light Peak was announced in 2009 by Intel and was originally presented as a fiber optic solution to connecting devices to PCs. However, Intel also tested Light Peak using copper and said the results surpassed all of their expectations.
"The copper came out very good, surprisingly better than what we thought," David Perlmutter, executive vice president and general manager of Intel's Architecture Group, said. "Optical is always a new technology which is more expensive."
Intel had said it expected devices using Light Peak technology to begin shipping in late 2010 or early 2011, and Perlmutter said that it depends on device makers for now. The company said the technology, using fiber optics, would deliver bandwidths starting at 10Gbps over distances of up to 100 meters.

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