Sony Ericsson drops lawsuit against Clearwire

Andre Yoskowitz
15 May 2011 21:26

Earlier this year, Sony Ericsson sued Clearwire over its logo, claiming it is too similar to its own logo and therefore would confuse consumers, especially if Clearwire eventually came out with smartphones, like it planned.
Says SE:

Over the past year, Sony Ericsson grew concerned that Clearwire's logos were moving progressively closer to Sony Ericsson's registered logo. Since Clearwire also previously announced it would enter the field of mobile devices by launching a smartphone, Sony Ericsson brought the litigation in January 2011 and sought a preliminary injunction against Clearwire to prohibit its further use of the logos.

In response, Clearwire represented to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia that it had no present intention to launch a smartphone. This representation effectively provided Sony Ericsson with much of the emergency relief it sought.

Because Clearwire is no longer planning a phone, Ericsson has dropped the case, but it can bring it back in the future should the same concerns arise.

Pic via AC

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