Sharp demos 85-inch 4320p display

James Delahunty
7 Sep 2011 0:47

Sharp brings its monster 8K4K display to IFA.
Promising incredible images of 7680 x 4320 pixel resolution, 8K4K (Ultra-High Definition Television - UHDV) is something a lot of us are dying to see. Sharp showcased its prototype 8K4K, 85-inch display at the IFA trade show in Berlin, giving attendees a glimpse of the future.
Unfortunately, its presence doesn't mean we can expect to see anything like this on the market for a long time yet. Trials of 8K4K broadcasting aren't even planned to go ahead until 2020 in Japan, and there's not a whole lot of content that could be displayed on a prototype like this TV now anyway, nor is much in production.
Sharp isn't likely to offer an 85-inch "Super Hi-Vision" television until 2022, according to reports, but the interest in 8K4K is global. The BBC will erect three screens in the UK during the 2012 Olympics to show 8K4K footage of events, reportedly at the BBC's Pacific Quay building in Glasgow, its Broadcasting House in London and the National Media Museum in Bradford.

Vid Source: Charbax (YouTube)

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