Video: AMD CPU overclocked to 8.429GHz

Rich Fiscus
15 Sep 2011 12:29

AMD set a new world record for CPU speed, overclocking one of their upcoming 8 core FX chips to a speed of 8.429GHz.
The blazing fast speed was achieved by cooling the CPU to -180 degrees centigrade using liquid nitrogen cooling.
The achievement, which tops the prior record of 8.308GHz, was officially recognized by earlier this week by Guinness World Records. They presented an award to the company at an AMD technology showcase in San Francisco, Calif.
Although that's not particularly useful for the typical consumer, AMD also managed a significant speed boost using air and water cooling.
AMD's Simon Solotko wrote:

Even with more conservative methods, the AMD FX processors, with multiplier unlocked throughout the range, appear to scale with cold. We also achieved clock frequencies well above 5GHz using only air or sub-$100 water cooling solutions.

The AMD FX CPU is expected to be available later this year.

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