Apple releases Mac security update after breach

James Delahunty
20 Feb 2013 9:13

Apple Inc. has pushed out a security update to Mac users after admitting that the company itself has been subject to a hack attempt in recent weeks.
Just as was the case with Twitter and Facebook, Apple employees were targeted using Java security flaws that had previously been unknown. Apple said this week that it had been targeted in recent weeks by hackers of an unknown origin.
"We identified a small number of systems within Apple that were infected and isolated them from our network," the company said.
"There is no evidence that any data left Apple. We are working closely with law enforcement to find the source of the malware."
The Mac update brings the installed version of JRE up to the latest release, which fixes several serious security bugs. Oracle pushed out an update with fixes earlier this month, so Apple's procrastinated response was criticized by Graham Cluley, of Sophos, who said Apple has a history of being a "little laid back on patches."

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