'Arrested Development' will not get second Netflix season

Andre Yoskowitz
27 Feb 2013 9:55

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has said today that Arrested Development will not be getting a second season with the streaming service.
The exec says the comedy was revived under "unrepeatable circumstances."
Starting next month, Netflix will stream 14 episodes of the cult classic comedy that was cancelled by Fox after three seasons and low viewership in 2006.
"Arrested is a unique property, we don't anticipate being able to do season five, six and seven," Hastings added. "We have less of a stake in it. It is really a fantastic one-off, which is coming together incredibly. I think it will be amazing for us, but think of it as a nonrepeatable amazing, whereas the other thing that we are doing is to trying to figure out a real mechanism where we can build shows and develop franchises over the long term. In that way, Arrested Development is a wildly successful tactic, as opposed to fundamental to the strategy."
That being said, the company hopes to be able to produce future seasons.

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