Google Now voice search headed to your PC

Andre Yoskowitz
15 May 2013 20:02

As expected, Google's popular "Google Now" voice search service is headed to your PC, via Chrome or the ChromeOS operating system.
Google search boss Amit Singhal said the voice search tech would be available this week on your computer via the Chrome browser, along with new cards including movie times and reviews, TV shows, video games and public transit commute times.
A "card" is really a tab of information that comes in response to a recent search. Additionally, cards sync to your Gmail and calendar and previous searches and can remind you of upcoming flights, upcoming games from your favorite sports team, and appointments.
On the desktop, you just have to say "Google" to activate the voice search, and then ask away.
"This experience is rapidly developing and will take some time before it becomes the dominant search experience. There are several complex problems to solve, but our investment and commitment to getting there sooner rather than later are immense," Singhal concluded (via BI).

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