Huawei targets 10Gbps mobile speed by 2020, invests $600 million in 5G development

James Delahunty
5 Nov 2013 18:15

At the Huawei Mobile Broadband Forum in London, the Chinese company revealed it expects 10Gbps mobile speeds by 2020.
To help achieve this goal, it announced it will invest $600 million in 5G technologies and solutions with the hope of getting high-speed mobile connectivity to the market faster.
"Today's theme is mobile broadband. In this area, we continuously invest in innovation. We started our investment in 5G early, in 2009, and we have demonstrated our 5G prototype capable of 50Gbps speeds," said Huawei's Eric Xu.
"We want to develop a system that will not break, that will support up to one billion connections and offer users speeds of up to 10Gbps. Of course, there are a lot of issues to work out before we get there. We are committed to helping the operators build more efficient and integrated systems, that can link people to people, people to things, and things to things."
Of course, proper 4G networks aren't even available in a lot of European countries at the commercial level, so true 5G technology is still a long ways away for the masses.

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