EA denies that 'Nintendo is dead' to them

Andre Yoskowitz
26 Jan 2014 11:45

Earlier this week, a CVG report claimed that an EA source had called Nintendo "dead to us," an unsurprising fact given that games for the Wii U from EA have been few and far between as the platform struggles.
The source had also said Nintendo was in the "kids game" business, and EA wasn't. "It became a kids IP platform and we don't really make games for kids. That was pretty true across the other labels too. Even the Mass Effect title on Wii U, which was a solid effort, could never do big business, and EA like Activision is only focused on games that can be big franchises," read the report.
EA COO Peter Moore, however, feels differently, at least from a PR standpoint. Tweeting back at the original author of the report and in general, Moore says: "Don't trust "anonymous sources". Nintendo's a great partner. They never have been, and never will be, 'dead' to EA..."
Of course, an employee or off-the-record source will talk more candidly than a high-level executive, so it just depends on who you believe at this point. That being said, nearly all major EA titles have conveniently skipped the Wii U console.

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