For some reason, Barnes & Noble is releasing a new Nook tablet

Andre Yoskowitz
26 Feb 2014 13:47

Even though sales have fallen off a cliff and the entire Nook division is failing, it appears Barnes & Noble will still be releasing a new tablet.
The new tablet will not be built internally, however, as the company works on deals with OEMs.
"The company is actively engaged in discussions with several world-class hardware partners related to device development as well as content packaging and distribution," says CEO Michael Huseby.
B&N reportedly fired a significant amount of its Nook team earlier this year and during their recent earnings call confirmed that "staffing levels in certain areas of the organization have changed."
As with all of B&N's previous hardware tries, the company is really just aiming to sell more books that can be read through the excellent Nook app. The company had just $57 million in digital content sales, down 27 percent year-over-year from already dropping numbers.

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