Sony unveils first original TV content for PlayStation: 'Powers'

Andre Yoskowitz
21 Mar 2014 23:03

Sony has unveiled their first original TV show available via PlayStation consoles, a supernatural thriller called "Powers."
"It's about having a broad range of broadcast content to replicate the live TV experience," president and group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Andrew House added.

The show is being produced by Sony Pictures TV, and will be streamable through the PlayStation Network just like other content.
Sony says the show will be a "fantasy drama" about a group of people with supernatural powers. Differentiating itself from other similar plot lines, the main character is a detective investigating crimes committed by those with superhero abilities.

"It overlays extremely well with the demographics of the PlayStation," CEO of Sony Entertainment Michael Lynton noted, when asked about whether gamers would buy into the show. It remains unclear when it will "air" and if it will cost money.

Rival Microsoft announced last year an initiative to bring original content to the Xbox.

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