Xbox co-creator: Xbox One can beat PS4

James Delahunty
2 Apr 2014 11:58

Ed Fries, an Xbox co-creator, has said that Microsoft's Xbox One console can emerge victorious over Sony's PlayStation 4 (PS4) if Microsoft makes the right moves.
What would be the right moves? By focusing on good execution of software and services, while newer technologies like VR gaming might be worth avoiding for now.
In a Q&A (or AMA) on Yabbly, Fries gave his input on what Microsoft needs to do to overcome Sony, which has seen a better start to this console war with the PS4 thus far.
(UPDATE: Xbox boss Phil Spencer has responded to Ed Fries comments on Virtual Reality.)
"They need better exclusive games than PS4. They need to be more open to indie developers. They need to adopt free to play gaming more aggressively. They need to continue to move Xbox Live forward as the leading online service. They need to show people why they included the new Kinect on every machine by demonstrating a compelling use for it."
Facebook's recent $2 billion acquisition of Oculus Rift turned a few heads (and made a few explode..) and Sony's own Project Morpheus indicate that VR is in the headlights whether we want it or not. Fries believes that Microsoft needs to take a good hard look at 3D before diving into the deep end.
"Given how little success the consumer electronics companies have had with 3D TVs with glasses, I am skeptical that general users are going to be strapping this thing onto their face any time soon," he said.
What do you think??
Sources and Recommended Reading:
Ask me Anything: I co-founded the Xbox (Ed Fries on Yabbly):

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