PowerPot charges your smartphone using boiling water

Andre Yoskowitz
12 Apr 2014 20:23

Billionaire and 'Shark Tank' investor Mark Cuban has put forward $250,000 of his own money to help the "PowerPot" succeed, a pot that lets you charge your smartphone with boiling water.
Cuban paid $250,000 for a 12 percent stake in the company, a seat on the board of directors and 3% in "adviser options." With the investment, the company is worth over $2 million, seemingly a good value given that they have supposedly already sold $300,000 worth of the devices.
The founders have been marketing the device towards campers, but have also been testing it in developing nations in Africa, where villagers have been using it to light their huts.
A 5-watt model and 10-watt model are available, starting at $149.
Check the pot in action:

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