Voltage Pictures will stop suing disabled people, kids over copyright infringement

Andre Yoskowitz
22 Feb 2015 21:31

Voltage Pictures, infamous for suing tens of thousands of unauthorized downloaders of their films, has agreed to stop suing kids, physically disabled people, and the mentally disabled.
The company has sued tens of thousands of downloaders of 'The Hurt Locker' and 'Dallas Buyers Club' in the U.S., Canada and Europe, normally suing a 'John Doe' IP address and then getting a judge to rule that the ISP must provide their identity.
Most that are accused choose to settle out of court for a couple thousand dollars, and Voltage has been able to make a business out of it.
However, as other companies have seen in the past from mass lawsuits, the targets are not always what you would expect. A Voltage executive said that the company "would not pursue an autistic child, people who were handicapped, welfare cases, or people that have mental issues" any longer. Does Voltage really care about those people though? It seems that they care more about PR: "That kind of press would ruin us."

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