Raspberry Pi introduces the cheapest and tiniest computer, Zero

Matti Robinson
26 Nov 2015 17:14

A company that has brought the ultra cheap and small computer to the masses is pushing the pricing down even more. Raspberry Pi's latest creation is called Zero and indeed closes up on the free computer.
As Raspberry Pi has told over the three years they have sold the computer-on-a-chip solutions, it is all about bringing computing to everyone. The newest computer, Raspberry Pi Zero, is available to even the poorest amateur programmers or computer or electronics hobbyist, and in sense is the ultimate Raspberry Pi.
The new model includes the same Broadcom processor as the first model but has been clocked a bit higher and therefore gives 40% more oomph. You'll find also 512 MB of RAM on the chip as well as microSD slot and two microUSB slots that allow both power and networking. There's also the 40 pin general purpose I/O connector that you would find from other RaspPi models as well.
The chip computer is 65mm x 30mm x 5mm in size and only costs $5 to the resellers. The price should not be a problem even after the retailer takes its piece of the cake. You'll also find the computer for free with the newest edition of MagPi magazine.

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Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Zero
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