battery issues

Apple's $500 million batterygate settlement up for grabs 07/14/2020 12:13
Replacement program for iPhone battery cases announced 01/11/2020 15:51
The new iPhone 11 doesn't slow down because of an old battery 09/21/2019 13:47
Apple: iPhone battery replacements went from 1-2 million a quarter to 11 million 01/16/2019 12:24
Apple issues worldwide recall: Battery issues with a MacBook Pro model 04/22/2018 12:20
Apple previews the upcoming iOS update, improvements to ARKit, battery, animojis 01/25/2018 17:20
Samsung has finally determined what caused Note7 to explode 01/16/2017 13:55
The new MacBook Pro is plagued by battery problems 12/23/2016 14:27
Samsung customers are abandoning their preferred smartphone brand 10/15/2016 14:23
Apple confirms iPhone 4S battery issues 11/02/2011 21:27
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