Facebook [sivu: 3]

Apple revokes Facebook's enterprise development certificates over violations 01/30/2019 17:25
Facebook on defensive after latest data sharing scrutiny 12/21/2018 15:37
A new cryptocurrency arises from... WhatsApp? 12/21/2018 10:56
Facebook bug granted app developers access to private photos 12/16/2018 11:35
Facebook wants to deliver you HBO 12/14/2018 13:28
Facebook trials banning of words and emojis 11/28/2018 11:26
Facebook's revamp on Messenger is ready for limelight 10/25/2018 12:11
Google finally calls it quits – Google+ shutting down 10/09/2018 9:15
Facebook: Hacked logins not used on third-party sites 10/03/2018 7:04
Were you among the hacked? Here's the only way to know if Facebook breach affected you 09/29/2018 12:54
Zuckerberg unveils new Oculus Quest headset 09/27/2018 12:59
Prison sentence sought for Deadpool pirate 09/16/2018 21:19
U.S. Facebook users taking breaks, uninstalling apps, changing privacy settings 09/05/2018 21:09
Report: Instagram working on shopping app 09/04/2018 20:53
Snap gets a $250 million investment from Saudi Arabia 08/08/2018 20:28
IGTV pushes Instagram into video space 06/21/2018 7:11
Cook: Apple receives no private data from Facebook 06/06/2018 3:03
WhatsApp to get group video calls soon 05/02/2018 6:58
Facebook admits: Yes, we read through your Messenger messages 04/05/2018 6:20
Tim Cook criticizes Facebook over privacy issues 03/29/2018 8:05
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