iPlayer coming to the PS3, eventually

Andre Yoskowitz
15 Apr 2008 15:33

The BBC's head of digital media technology Anthony Rose has reported that the PlayStation 3 is on the iPlayer's "roadmap" and that official support will be coming, eventually.
Rose, writing in his blog, was reacting to the now popular website ps3iplayer.com, which has allowed any PS3 owner to stream the iPlayer on their console.

"We'd love to be on every popular device tomorrow, including the PS3, and it was on our roadmap,"
he wrote.

"We're investigating the optimal video profile and browser proposition to enable us to officially make iPlayer available on PS3 in due course."

For the time being, official support for the iPlayer is only on the Nintendo Wii and Rose wants to make it more accessible but claims the company is "hampered by resource limitations."

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