Google to offer free Wi-Fi to NYC neighborhood

Andre Yoskowitz
9 Jan 2013 1:25

Google has announced it will be offering free Wi-Fi in Chelsea, an affluent neighborhood in Manhattan.
The company's local headquarters is located in Chelsea, and the 13-block neighborhood is very populous.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was in attendance for the joint press conference, along with NY Senator Chuck Schumer.
The Wi-Fi will be available to anyone outdoors, and Google says public housing units in the area will receive indoor coverage, as well.
Google says average down speeds for its free Wi-Fi will be 5-10 Mbits/s. The infrastructure needed for the project cost Google just $115,000 and will require $45,000 in annual maintenance. The company makes that kind of profit in just a matter of minutes.
"It's not very expensive at all -- just a smidgeon of what Sandy cost," added Senator Schumer. "The mayor and I said maybe we could get this done for all of New York. We look forward to the day when all of New York has free Wi-Fi."

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