A look at Microsoft IllumiRoom, a projector built for the next Xbox and immerse you in the game

Andre Yoskowitz
30 Apr 2013 12:05

Microsoft gave eager fans a brief look at its IllumiRoom projector, first unveiled at CES this year.
As explained by the company, IllumiRoom "is a proof-of-concept system from Microsoft Research. It augments the area surrounding a television screen with projected visualizations to enhance the traditional living room entertainment experience."
The projector uses Kinect for Windows camera (along with the projector) to combine the on-screen gaming content and your current environment, most likely your bedroom or living room.
IllumiRoom can "change the appearance of the room, induce apparent motion, extend the field of view, and enable entirely new game experiences." Additionally, the "system uses the appearance and the geometry of the room (captured by Kinect) to adapt the projected visuals in real-time without any need to custom pre-process the graphics."
For our readers that like to get a bit more technical, read the research paper here: IllumiRoom PDF
Check the preview video here:

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