Google adds Middle-Earth maps to Chrome for 'Hobbit' fans

Andre Yoskowitz
24 Nov 2013 8:38

Fans of J.R.R Tolkien, rejoice, Google has created a new Chrome 'experiment' for Middle-Earth, building large detailed interactive maps as "a showcase of web experiments written by the creative coding community."
The maps come just weeks before the hugely anticipated release of the "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" on December 13th. The film is the second of a new trilogy for Lord of The Rings fans.
Within the maps there are three interactive locations; The Trollshaws, the Elven refuge of Rivendell and the fortress of Dol Guldur.
If you click through, you will get an audio introduction and the bios of different characters that you can swipe through to learn more about. There are a few mini-games, as well, playable through the Chrome browser or on Android.
Google says new locations will be added in the near future, including Lake Town and Lonely Mountain (where the dragon Smaug lives). The map is zoomable and includes all of the major landmarks and towns.
Check it out here.

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