IDC [sivu: 2]

IDC: PC market to decline again in 2013 03/05/2013 23:43
Samsung gains tablet market share, while Apple slides despite increased shipments 02/01/2013 23:58
IDC: Huawei jumps to third in smartphone shipments 01/26/2013 18:11
Sony jumps to third in global smartphone sales 11/27/2012 21:50
Apple's tablet share falls to 50.4 percent 11/05/2012 22:44
Android now up to 75 percent market share 11/04/2012 0:50
IDC: PC growth to slow significantly this year 08/26/2012 22:38
IDC: Apple controls the tablet market and it isn't even close 08/04/2012 23:20
Despite supply coming back, HDD makers will keep prices inflated 04/05/2012 20:00
Apple's tablet market share continues to fall 12/16/2011 11:46
Mobile Internet devices to eclipse PCs by 2015 say researchers 09/12/2011 16:59
Apple now top smartphone vendor in the world 07/29/2011 15:03
IDC predicts Windows Phone 7 will overtake iOS, Blackberry by 2015 03/29/2011 15:13
18 million tablets, 13 million e-readers shipped in 2010 03/10/2011 23:44
IDC: Android smartphone sales explode in Europe 03/09/2011 20:44
Mobile phone market grew 18 percent in Q4, Nokia still rules 01/28/2011 20:24
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