HTC loses another patent case to Apple

Andre Yoskowitz
18 Feb 2012 23:40

HTC has lost the first of their patent-infringement cases against Apple filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC).
The ITC said this week that Apple did not violate the HTC patent "for controlling how mobile phones manage power supply."
Says one analyst at IDC of the decision: "HTC is not having much luck in their cases and their performance in the market is taking a hit. At the end of the day, this is an elongated battle that seems to be going a little bit better for Apple than for Android."
HTC has not ruled out an appeal, but one seems unlikely. The company's second case against Apple will begin in August.
Apple, Samsung and HTC are all involved in multiple patent infringement cases revolving around iOS or Android which will guarantee the companies remain in litigation for the near future.

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Apple HTC patent ITC Infringement
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