Clipboard tools
- 09/15/2020RainClip v0.5.87
- 08/13/2020Clipboard Master v4.10.0
- 07/31/2020ClipboardFusion (portable) v5.8.4
- 07/31/2020ClipboardFusion v5.8.4
- 07/14/2020CopyQ (portable) v3.12.0
- 9,300Clipboard Master
- 4,141PasteCopy.NET
- 3,611TwinkiePaste (Portable)
- 3,607TwinkiePaste
- 3,400Clipjump
CopyFilenames v3.1CopyFilenames is a Windows File Explorer extension that lets you right click on multiple files and copy their filenames to the clipboard.
Date updated:07/11/2016
Filesize:825.69 kB
||| (64-bit) keeps a track of all the work you do with files, folders, graphics, texts, URLs etc to give you peace of mind. For 64-bit Windows ONLY!
Date updated:06/02/2015
Filesize:7.02 MB
Spartan Clipboard Manager (USB Portable) v15.5.0.0Spartan Clipboard Manager saves images, text that you copy into the clipboard so you don't lose it later. This version is portable and can be run from USB.
Date updated:11/26/2016
Filesize:7.09 MB
Clipdiary (portable) v3.8Clipdiary records every piece of data that is copied to the Windows clipboard while it runs. This version is portable.
Date updated:12/22/2015
Filesize:5.08 MB
||| keeps a track of all the work you do with files, folders, graphics, texts, URLs etc to give you peace of mind.
Date updated:06/02/2015
Filesize:5.29 MB
Spartan Clipboard Manager v15.5.0.0Spartan Clipboard Manager saves images, text that you copy into the clipboard so you don't lose it later.
Date updated:11/26/2016
Filesize:7.11 MB
URL Monit@r (64-bit) v1.2.3.2URL Monit@r will grab and check the status of URLs that are copied to the clipboard in Windows. For 64-bit Windows ONLY!
Date updated:03/21/2016
Filesize:3.07 MB
Pastextra v1.0Pastextra allows you to paste text or images directly to files without having to use a third party application.
Date updated:03/01/2017
Filesize:10.28 kB
AS-QuickText v1.0AS-QuickText allows you to set up to 8 different texts that can be pasted into active windows with keyboard shortcuts.
Date updated:10/19/2015
Filesize:269.93 kB
Clipjump (64-bit) v12.5Clipjump (64-bit) is a Multiple-Clipboard management utility for Windows.
Date updated:04/22/2016
Filesize:1.38 MB