AfterDawn: Tech news

More evidence of an Apple curved-glass iWatch

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 10 Feb 2013 1:27 User comments (1)

More evidence of an Apple curved-glass iWatch

According to the New York Times, Apple is indeed working on the long-rumored "iWatch."
The smart watch will use curved glass to bend around user's wrists and to give it better viewing angles.

Unfortunately, the report has little details on any features, nor does it have a timetable for any release. The watch has been media rumor for at least two years now.

Reads the paper: "In its headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., Apple is experimenting with wristwatch-like devices made of curved glass, according to people familiar with the company's explorations, who spoke on the condition that they not be named because they are not allowed to publicly discuss unreleased products. Such a watch would operate Apple's iOS platform, two people said, and stand apart from competitors based on the company's understanding of how such glass can curve around the human body."

The watch will most likely be an "experiment" for the company, just like its Apple TV set-top box has been since its launch. The gadget will work similarly to other smart watches like the Pebble and Nike's new offerings, which allow users to quickly check emails and messages without needing to take their phones out.

(Mock via BI)

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1 user comment

111.2.2013 08:47

I hope it will crash and burn.

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