How to play FLAC files

Keep reading for more information on FLAC or jump right to playback instructions:
- Easiest Playback Method with VLC - play immediately (Win, Mac, Linux)!
- Easy Playback Method with Foobar 2000 - play immediately!
- Play with DirectShow-players - This option will allow you to play FLAC in Windows Media Player or ANY player that uses DirectShow, it is the most comprehensive and future-proof method, takes minutes!
- Tag Support for Windows Media Player Library - If you want FLAC tags (album, artis info etc.) to work in Windows Media Player and library, then you need to follow these instructions
What is FLAC?
FLAC is a lossless compression format for audio. In other words, FLAC compresses audio, but not in the same way as MP3s because none of the original audio is removed. While these files are compressed, they provide the same quality as uncompressed audio. So for example, ripping CD audio to FLAC would provide superior quality to MP3 and 1:1 quality with the original CD, but the files would be much, much larger.
FLAC is free and open source, and it's royalty free nature means that it enjoys wide support in software across all operating systems. It is relatively simple to play.
Lossy vs. Lossless
While an MP3 may be just 4MB or under in size, FLAC files are generally much larger, with 30MB - 40MB not being uncommon for a single track. During lossy compression, much of the original uncompressed audio is scraped in preference to a smaller file size. The audio kept is what the encoder determines to be most vital for human hearing, therefore the idea behind lossy compression is to cut out mostly what you won't miss anyway. However, at lower bitrates the difference from the source becomes obvious. With lossless compression methods, it's basically like putting a file in a ZIP archive, only with much better compression ratio as it is designed for audio. What is compressed can be completely retrieved in full when it is decompressed for playback.
Easiest Method - VideoLAN Client for Windows, MAC and Linux

You can get VLC for Windows from this URL.

Now, click the Browse button next to the first white line at the top of the window with title "Open.." and navigate through your harddrive for the FLAC file you wish to listen to and select it. After you have selected the file, click OK and VLC will start playing the FLAC audio you chose.
For other Operating Systems...
Another Player with Direct Support for FLAC - Foobar 2000

Download Foobar 2000 from AfterDawn at:
Play in Windows Media Player and other DirectShow players?

The first thing we need is a DirectShow filter, and there is a perfectly good one available from AfterDawn for download that will work called Illiminable OGG Directshow Filter.
Download it from:
Download Media Player Classic from:
Install Illiminable OGG Directshow Filter

With Windows Media Player however, while you can now play the files, the tag information (album info, artist info etc.) that is useful for the Media Library won't actually work. However you can fix that with WMP Tag Support Extender.
Download WMP Tag Support Extender from:
Install WMP Tag Support Extender

Now we must configure Windows Media Player to use this add-on.
Configure Windows Media Player for WMP Tag Support Extender - 1

Download Windows Media Player by clicking here.
Now open Windows Media Player and you should see something similar to the picture located to the right of this text (clicking will enlarge). Right-click somewhere on the top bar (I have right-clicked beside the Now Playing button) and scroll your pointer down to Tools --> Plug-ins --> WMPTagSupportExtender Plugin. This usually is already selected.
Make sure that there is a tick beside this plug-in or else Windows Media Player won't use it while playing FLAC audio. Now there is another bit of configuring to do. Again, right click in the same spot, navigate to Tools --> Plug-ins --> Options and left-click on Options. This will open Windows Media Player Options in the Plug-in tab.
Configure Windows Media Player for WMP Tag Support Extender - 2

Configure Windows Media Player for WMP Tag Support Extender - 3

Once you are done, click "Refresh Now" to refresh your library, then click OK. This should now work.
Note: We have had trouble getting tags to work with the latest version of Windows Media Player 11, even trying the register DLL workaround. Hopefully an update will fix this.
This guide set out to help you play your FLAC files, we hope we have accomplished that on this guide. If you have any questions or need help, please visit our Discussion Forums for assistance.
Version History
v1.0 - First published by Dela (20/03/2008)
Written by: James Delahunty